Church On The Streets Northampton
Church on the Streets Northampton
Church On The Streets Northampton Is not denominational, it is not bound by any “way of doing things”, it has no walls, no borders, no prejudice and is open to all who are established within a local fellowship and grounded in their faith to get involved within our outreach programs, provided the following criteria are met:
Is C.O.T.S. For You?
1. You must be a member or established within a fellowship
2. Your leadership must consent to your involment with C.O.T.S.
3. C.O.T.S. at no time can replace your home fellowship
4. You must hold to the Statement of Faith we hold to.
5. You agree that whilst in the Mission Field you come under the authority of the leadership team.
Mission Statement:
Church on the Street is a diverse group of people from many backgrounds who know Jesus as their personal savior, are established within a fellowship and have been called into this particular ministry with the blessing and agreement of their individual pastor and/or leadership.
Church on the Streets is not another “church” but a part of the one Church to which we all belong, its purpose being to take that which we so jealously guard from behind our walls, out into the market place in line with the command of Scripture to “Go out into all the world….” To bring restoration, healing, hope and salvation to absolutely everyone, without prejudice or exception.
We believe that the power of the Gospel, in its simplicity can and will break the chains that bind every man, woman and child regardless of the life they lead, the past they have had or the choices that have been made. We believe that God has a plan and a purpose for every prostitute, every pimp, every dealer, every rough sleeper, every commuter, every shop keeper and passer by that we come into contact with and that He desires to meet them right where they are at.
All that are involved within this ministry and all those who come to faith through it will be encouraged and expected to be and remain established within a local fellowship for growth and discipleship. Anyone and everyone is welcome to Come along and join us, to worship with us, to be a part of Gods purpose and plan in bringing restoration to the streets and the Gospel to those who otherwise may not hear it.
When do we meet
The intention is to meet every Sunday on the Market Square in Northampton from 8.30 till 10.00 as a starting point, as well as one Saturday a month at the Semilong Community Center as part of the Blank Canvas Outreach Mission.
The team are also active throughout the week, pastoring, counselling and praying with the street community, all of whom are very much members of this congregation, until such time as they choose to join with one of the local fellowships, making that place their spiritual home.
You Can Help
If you are a committed Christian, a member of a fellowship and firmly grounded in your faith, you are very welcome to become part of the C.O.T.S. team should you feel God is calling you to be a part of this ministry. We will however need confirmation from your leadership/minister as to whether this would be the right choice for you. But would be more than happy to talk to you about what we do and what this ministry involves.
Try Youth Bible Study Northampton https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk
Churches Together Northampton https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk
Northampton Christian Events Calendar https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk
Northampton Christian church directory https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk
Church directory Northampton https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk
Churches in Northampton https://www.ministersstandingtogether.co.uk