Bible Study Hackleton

Hackleton Home Group Bible StudyHackleton Baptist Church

Our Bible Study Hackleton Home Group meets together in someone’s home in the village for discussion and fellowship. (Please phone Jennie on 07851 403947 to find out which home).

1st Bible Study video

2nd Bible study video

If you’ve never been part of a church home group, or have been part of a group that was unhelpful, it might be difficult to want to come to another one. We at Hackleton Home group really enjoy each other’s company and would love you to join us. Indeed, the case for small groups is often understated.


1. Hackleton Home Group Discipleship

Small groups like Hackleton Home Group provide opportunities for believers to learn from each other as they apply the gospel within the intimacy of relationships. “Who is Jesus?”. We also need friends to help us wrestle through that question face to face. People who are willing to get to know us so they can help us walk with Christ more faithfully.

2. Hackleton Home Group Study

Some Christian groups meet to discuss and apply Scripture. There are pitfalls to group Bible study which the elders should work to prevent by providing good materials and capable. Accountable group leaders. But by discussing and applying Scripture together, members can learn to understand not only the Bible, but also each other, so that each will know better how to love the other. The combination of a capable Bible teacher and eager learners, all exchanging ideas together, can be powerful.

3. Curiosity

Hackleton Home Group, our small group are encouraged to ask questions they might not ask elsewhere. “I heard the pastor use the word ‘justification’ before. Now I just heard it again. What does it mean?”

4. Evangelism and Bible Study

Many church members might find it easier to invite friends to a small group who are not ready to come to church.

5. Hospitality at Hackleton Home Group

Many believers feel drawn to practice the biblical imperative of loving those to whom they have no natural bond, but they don’t always know how to begin. The very thought of hosting non-family members can be intimidating. But as believers gather in homes for coffee/tea biscuits and spiritual conversation, those present can witness hospitality blossoming from theory to practice.

6. Prayer

In the New Testament believers prayed together “with one accord”  But in small groups, children and parents, neighbours and friends, elders and new converts help each other to learn how to pray and spend time with God.

7. Socialising

Fellowship is not a spiritually-neutral activity BUT we love it. As we catch up with friends and make new ones, we practice our calling to understand and love each other. As we share and listen to stories, we learn how others are attempting to intersect the common life and the sacred life.

Small groups can help us develop a greater sense of Christian community in a disconnected age. They can facilitate the formation of deeper Christian friendships, and become a natural opportunity for inviting unbelieving and unchurched (or under-churched) neighbours to interact with Hackleton Bible Study group.

Please call for Details: Revd Jennie 07851 403947

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